Choosing between health plans can be a very confusing and daunting endeavor. There are many plans to select from and it’s best to weigh your options to see which one will fit your individual or families needs. Plans can differ greatly. While one plans premiums may be low, the services may cost you quite of bit of money once you utilize the providers. Other plans may have a high monthly premium, yet you may owe little or nothing to your providers after you see them. Although insurance companies seldom cover 100% of all the medical costs, some will cover more than others. Some factors that you will need to consider are ~
*Do you need insurance for just yourself or your family?
* Do you need to make adjustments to your current plan?
*Do you want to be able to have access to a large number of providers that you can see without getting permission from your insurance company?
*How much will it cost me?
* How affordable are the different plans?
*Do you want to have a high deductible so that you’re monthly premiums will be lower?
*How do I pick a health plan?
*Do I need to pick a primary care physician?
*Am I able to see my current doctor on the plan?
*What do the plans cover?
*Are there any limits on how much I will have to pay in case of a major illness?
*Does it cover hospitalizations for elective services?
*Does is cover pre-existing conditions, chronic illnesses and preventative care?
*Do I need referrals to see specialists?
*What will my insurance company cover if I need attention for an emergency of when I’m out of town?
*Are there any wellness incentives?
*Will it coordinate benefits with my spouses insurance?
Make sure you discuss any questions or concerns about your insurance with your insurance broker. If you’re not sure who to contact, talk to the Human Resources Manager where you are employed.