Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How Much Do You Exercise Everyday?

How much do you exercise everyday? Do you make it a priority? Are you consistent? Do you change up your routine, so you're not exercising the same muscle groups over and over and not ignoring other muscles?

The average citizen doesn't make exercise a priority. If you had cancer, would you make your chemotherapy and radiation treatments a priority and block out a time each day to receive these?
If you answered yes, then exercise should be a priority as well.  There are a lot of illness created by being overweight; diabetes, heart disease, elevated cholesterol, and hypertension, (high blood pressure), just to name a few,  and yes, even being overweight can cause certain types of cancer. 
I challenge you to prioritize exercise like it's a life or death decision. Just take thirty minutes a day, and if you feel like it, add more. And I'm not counting the day-to-day activities either, such as housework or chasing after the kiddos. It has to be something that you carve a time out for yourself, just to exercise. 
I've attached a link for a great article I read online. It's called the 7 Workout Habits You Should Drop Now. It's all about exercising the "right" way, though I think that any exercise is better than none. Good luck and report your progress.
