Monday, January 2, 2017

Sports Injuries in Seniors!!!

I've always liked to be active. I am not much for going to the gym and working on the weights, but I do like to participate in classes and sports. Now mind you, I'm not a spring chicken anymore. In fact, this year I'll turn 60, but I don't believe in stopping what you love because of your age.

This brings me to sports injuries. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be in my first cast in my late 50's!

2015_1228palmdesertI was playing pickleball (I call it tennis for old people), at the local YMCA. I had been playing twice a week for quite sometime now. I was probably an hour into playing, (you take turns, so I did have some down time), when I went after a routine ball and it felt like someone came up from behind me and hit me in my right calf and I heard a loud pop. I immediately went to the ground, (more to protect myself than anything), and knew instantly that something was wrong. I was helped over to a bench where it was apparent that something was seriously wrong with my achilles tendon.

I ended up getting a ride to urgent care where I was misdiagnosed with a sprain and put in a walking shoe. Three days later I saw my own doctor, who examined it, but didn't suggest anything else. I finally asked for a referral to an orthopedist as my leg was swelling. 

I saw the orthopedist 16 days after my initial injury where he thought that I ruptured my achilles tendon. Neither the urgent care doctor or my physician knew they correct way to test for this. I ended up having an MRI which verified his diagnosis and was put in a cast for four weeks. I recently had it removed and now am in a air cast/boot with wedges that have to be removed weekly. This will go on for about five weeks, then lots of physical therapy. Did I mention this was my right foot? That means NO DRIVING which is driving me crazy!!!! Not only can I not drive, I also have to have help taking a shower.

If you think you've been misdiagnosed, trust yourself and get a second opinion immediately. If I had, I probably would have been on the road to recovery sooner and possibly have a better resolution to my overall healing. Sports injuries can happen at any age. Even if you think you know your limits and are doing all the appropriate things, (stretching, diet, etc), it can still happen to you. And always, check with your medical provider to make sure you are healthy enough to participate in any physical activities before you start.

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